We have sevearl designer dress suits for men from well known manufactures in the US and abroad, sizes 38R-72R, Tall and big men sizes 38L-72L. These are gorgeous dress suits for men who like to go dressy in style, our suits come in several styles and colors, can be worn round the year and on several occasions. These are suits that any man would wont in this wardrobe, Some of our suits come with vest and some doesn't, some are solid, stripes and plaids.
We also stock huge lines of men designer shirts, some are solids, plaids and stripes, sizes from 15 1/2 - 22 1/2 most of our shirts blend in with our suits we sell.We also sell the matching shirt with the necktie and hanky sets, which sell for $34. per set.
We stock men and boys dress suits, men and boys tuxedos, men and boys tuxedo shirts, men casual and dress hats, men dress shoes, men walking sets, men fancy neckties, men pants, men church group wear, pulpit robes, men formal wear, Etc.
We ship by UPS, FedeX Or USPS ground ONLY. We accept major credit cards right online 24/7 and please allow 7-12 working days before shipping. Our (US) customer orders must be at least $150. or more before shipping and we don't ship for less than $150. or more.
All shipments are shipped from our distribution center in the state of GEORGIA Or NEW YORK center (US) daily. We also sell women fine designer dress wear and has been since 2002. We ship National And International.
Our stores are open from 10Am-8Pm (EST) Mondays-Saturdays and Sundays from 3Pm-7Pm. Our customers may call in their orders from 10Am-6Pm (EST) Mondays-Fridays. Our stores phone contacts are TOLL FREE 1-855-793-1375 for customer ordering ONLY. For customer info call 229-878-0559. Fax line 229-878-0559.